Customer Owned Product Policy

Our policy for customer-owned products for decoration is as follows:

1. Quality of Goods: We will only accept customer-owned garments that are in good condition, clean, and free from any damage or stains. This ensures that the final decoration will meet our quality standards.

2. Minimum Order: 24 peice minimum required for all customer owned orders. All items must be the same style. All items must be decorated in the same way.

3. Liability: While we take every precaution to ensure the safety and security of customer-owned garments, we cannot be held liable for any loss or damage that may occur during the decoration process. Customers are advised to provide garments that they do not consider to be of high value or sentiment.

4. Consent for Decoration: By submitting customer-owned garments to us for decoration, customers are giving their consent for us to modify or alter the garments as necessary to complete the requested decoration. This may include stretching, hooping, or applying heat to the garments.

5. Exclusions: We reserve the right to refuse decoration on certain types of garments that are not suitable for the chosen decoration method. This includes but is not limited to delicate fabrics, loosely woven or knitted materials, and garments with unconventional shapes or sizes.

7. No Refunds or Exchanges: Once customer-owned garments are submitted for decoration, there will be no refunds or exchanges permitted. Customers are encouraged to thoroughly review their instructions and garment selection prior to submission.

8. Awards/Perpetual Plates - There is no minimum required for perpetual plates. Please be advised that we do not gaurantee placement or alignment for any items that have been previously engraved.

Please note that this policy may be subject to change without prior notice. Customers are advised to review the policy before submitting any customer-owned garments for decoration. Please contact our sales team with any questions.